Sunday 24 August 2014

Bad Relationships And Boy Problems

As we grow up, we meet a lot of different people, some stay in our lives and some come and go. We fall in love with people and create the best memories with them, they make us feel loved and extremely happy. But sometimes, it can all go wrong and it can also be out of our control. 

Heartbreak is such a heart thing to go through and can really have a big impact on our lives. Having experienced this, I want to share with you all the best tips that I found useful on how to cope through this stage of life and how to make yourself feel better. Get a cup of tea and some biscuits and have a read! 

Getting over a bad relationship can be such a hard thing. Memories begin to flow through your mind, the temptation of contacting this person is always there and the feeling of never seeing them again can also make you feel down in the dumps. The main thing to remember when you are going through this stage is that time is the best key, in a few days or weeks that pain will start to fade away and you will start to realise that life is not that bad and you will move on, it just requires being strong and moving forward.

The steps to getting over heartbreak:

1. Get a box and put all of the presents/belongings from this person into it. The last thing you want is constant reminders in your room of this person. Put them in a box and put them in a safe place or either throw them away.
2. Spend lots of time with your friends, they are there to help you and cheer you up! Spend extra quality time with them as this will keep your mind busy and it will also make you feel a lot happier.
3. Delete ALL ways of communicating with this person. Delete their number, un-friend them on facebook.. Do everything you can. This means you can move on with your life without being able to talk to them or seeing their update on social networking sites.
4. Keep busy - the last thing you need is to have lots of time on your hands where you are doing nothing. This can make you over-think, and feel a lot worse. Take this time to go for long walks, go out with family, start a new hobby.. this is the time to start new things in life that will motivate you for the future.
5. Do not rush into other relationships - We all get really confused and feel unloved while going through a break up so it can be quite easy to get involved with somebody else. This can sometimes cause so much trouble! You need to give yourself time before being with somebody else. Be single and find your own happiness again before you start a new relationship. This will happen when the time is right.

Just remember that this feeling goes away, it won't stay there forever. You will meet somebody better that is right for you. Some things just aren't mean't to be in life and it can be painful and heartbreaking to hold on to something that isn't right for you! You can be strong.

Stay happy :)

Amiey Laureen x

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